Sidney John Watkins



Hello & welcome to my home page. Happy to know you've made it here. Hopefully one or more of my interests and links interest you, and if not, maybe my locale in the world is. Questions are always welcomed even political, in fact they are encouraged. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life. Besides, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us.


My Background

I was born in West Ham Essex, but my family immigrated to Canada earlier on in my life. So I am a Canadian with Welsh, Irish and Anglo Saxon blood and strong ties to the old country. My father had the Welsh connection and my mother the Irish. So I am a mix of Brythonic Celt (Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons Celtic), and Gaudlic Celt (Irish, Scots, and Manx Celtic) I grew up and studied both in the UK and Canada during the midst of the "Quebec Quiet Revolution," which has fostered ties with both my French Quebecois brethern and the old country.

My Family

Rhys and I on Mount Tremblant Quebec summer 1994


Kashie Lake Ontario

Doing what I like best.

Great Grandad & Grandma Watkins


Rhys in front of The Prince of Wales

on the narrow gauge Vale of Rheidol Railway 1998


Uncle David leading the band circa 1947




My Interests

As I am a Watkins I am interested in maintaining and preserving my Welsh connections in a predominately French Province of North America. To this end I am a member of the St. David's Society, The Montreal Welsh Male Choir, and a supporter of Welsh narrow gauge railways. I'm an avid videographer. I love music and good international cinema

The Watkins Family History Society


My Personal Records

Being a supporter of Welsh narrow gauge and a videographer it is only natural that I have many hours of narrow gauge footage.
some samples from my upcoming video project   (under construction)


Links to My Favorite Sites

Another way to really get to know someone - especially someone who spends
as much time on the Internet as I do - is to learn their favorite sites:


Canadian Links

Quebec Links

Montreal Links  





Manx Links

Irish Links


Celtic Music and Other Things Celtic

Best collection of Celtic music sources

Geneology Links

Geneology resources from Wales to British Columbia

Where to go to do research in each province of Canada

Beer Links Cwrw

Train Links Rhielfford

Net Music Links


Radio Links Some of my fav Community & Alternative Stations
Montreal Quebec Canada, Burlington Vermont USA & the World

  American Links

Speed & Custom

Miscellaneous Links


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Sidney John Watkins

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