Mike Company               

Third Battalion, Fifth Marines

RVN, 1966 -1971
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In The Bush

by Brad Reynolds

In the spring of 1986, I took a Vietnam War Literature class at Humboldt State University with Professor John Shafer. He had taught at the University of Hue (pronounced Way) before it was a battleground during the TET Offensive of '68. He showed us some slides of the Imperial City of Hue that blew me away.

When I landed in Vietnam, I didn't have the opportunity to go into the cities of Danang, Hue, Saigon, or other major cities. If the slides wouldn't have had any Vietnamese in them, I wouldn't have realized that those photos were taken in Vietnam.

Mike 3 / 5, was a roving company. Wherever there was trouble in I Corps area ( the northernmost part of South Vietnam, including Danang and on up to the DMZ), we were sent in to help or be the forerunner of an operation that was going on. The only big city or base camp I ever was in is Phu Bai (prounced Foo By), which lies about halfway between Hue and Danang, and that would only be for a few days at a time.

Myself, I didn't like going into large base camps, or small ones for that matter. It made me feel uneasy knowing the enemy knew right where you were and could rocket you at any time. In the bush, they wouldn't hit us very often as long as we were dug in. When we were on the move, it was a different story…