Joe Holt posted a 2nd platoon picture taken in Oki in 1966. The webmaster shrunk it too much so that it wasn't well defined. That's been rectified. And, Joe remembers every name on that picture! We've posted the names. On Joe's picture page.
Please welcome Eddie Garcia to our roster. Eddie was with 1st Platoon, 1967-68.
Lima Company has posted a story written by Lt Ed Conti, Lima 2nd Platoon commander on the action leading to Lima's relief of India Company on Operation Hastings. You can read it on Lima's site by clicking this link.
Added a link to Doc Parlee's Home page, Way to go, Doc! On our links page.
Vic Vilionis, from 7th Marines, made some 3/5 wallpaper for us. You may visit the download page on Mike Company's site to select one. Thanks Vic!
While I'm thinking about it, the following AARS are available upon request. You may email
the webmaster and it will be sent to you via email attachment.
Operation Swift:
5th Marines (Regimental) AAR
3/5 AAR
1/5 AAR
Operations Union I and II:
1/5 AAR
Added PFC Charles Edwin Lee to our Wall. He was KIA on June 11, 1968. With our thanks to Steve Stafford for remembering.
Added Corporal Gregory Wayne Thomas to our Wall. He was KIA on May 21, 1968. Thanks to Steve Stafford for remembering.
Added James Norris' Navy Cross citation to the Navy Cross page. With thanks to Vic Vilionis for providing it.
Added another picture from Bob Morris to his picture page.
Please welcome Howard Rainer to the roster. He was with India in 1955 and had come over from H&S. An original! Howard retired as MGySgt, having reenlisted and gone into aviation electronics.
Another outstanding story from Joe Holt has been posted. Thirst, another way to find water!
Added a link to Terry Dixon's (India 3/7) Purple Heart page. On the links page.
There have been some recent outstanding additions to Kilo Company's stories including some by Ron McCarville. To get to Kilo company please see our links page.
Added more links to our links page. Both Wall sites, where you can search and post for information on every name on the Wall. Terry Dixon's 3/7 home page and (an oversight!), hadn't posted Lima 3/5's site.
Forgot to mention yesterday that Hank Oliver, just added, is looking for Sergeant Tony Stoval. Does anyone know where he is?
Welcome H.W. Oliver to the Roster. Hank was the Admin chief from April '67 to February '68 with India, having moved over from H&S after he got wounded. We've got some bio info for him too, also on the Roster.
Added a story from Richard Golbeck, from Mike Company, about exacting a little payback, on Operation Hastings (this story will also be on Mike's site). For further reading on Hastings we recommend John Harris' story of Lima's relief of India, on Lima Company's site (It's called the Easter Story).
On the 27th we posted a new story from Mike McFerrin on the Mike Site, entitled Dreams and Visions. Explaining the unexplainable.
Ron Heath, the Kilo webmaster, has posted reunion information for early next year in San Diego, commemorating the 59th anniversary of the 1st Division, on his site. This is the link.
I have completed transcribing the Regimental (new) AAR for SWIFT. If you want it please email me.
As you know, we are missing Lance Corporal James "Spanky" Norris' Navy Cross Citation. However Roger McCann has saved, for all these years, a copy of a 1969 issue of the Stars and Stripes which probably describes the action for which Spanky was awarded the medal. We have reproduced it here, on the Remembrance page. Thank you Roger. It is also fitting that we post it today, Thanksgiving Day, we have much to be thankful for, in part because of Spanky and 58,000 other people whose names are inscribed on the Wall. So, we thank you, Lance Corporal James "Spanky" Norris.
Updated roster information for Roger McCann.
Posted a new story by Joe Holt, Mush, or Combat Engineers are scary. Don't we know!
Added five pictures from Curtis Eidson, on views of Operation Essex, November 1967. Also added a contemporary picture of a grave site of a World War I Marine, one that Curtis visits every Memorial and Veteran's Day. On Curtis' picture page.
"The Grunt Padre", the book about Father Capodanno who lost his life and was awarded the Medal of Honor while with 3/5 on Operation Swift is now available for preorder. A review of the book, order form and point of contact can be found by clicking here. All royalties from the sales will be used to support the Father Vincent Robert Capodanno Foundation, a non-profit organization established by the author to honor the memory of this chaplain and to continue his ministry of outreach to his beloved grunt Marines.
Added Roger McCann's Silver Star Medal, for actions occurring on 11 September 1969. On the Silver Star page.
If you have been awarded a medal for combat action in Vietnam while with India Company we are very interested in posting it on this site. You may not realize it but it's real history and taken collectively, tells a story of the continuing conflict over a long period of time, not to mention highlighting the bravery and smarts of the individual members of the Company.
Welcome to Roger McCann, with India in 1969. On the roster. Roger is looking for Gill, Green, Tex, Mason, Ski and Cassidy.
Added the Silver Star citation for Billy Brickey for actions on 22 July 1966. On the Citations page.
Added another of Joe Holt's excellent stories, Haalp!, another story about improbable coincidences.
Added Sergeant Major Chapman's biography, on the roster page. Outstanding!
Please welcome SSgt Bill Brickey to the roster. Bill was with India in 1966 and his picture is on one of the platoon pictures we have, his son says 3rd from the left, front row. We'll be posting his Silver Star citation when we get it.
We have positively identified LCpl Oscar Gentry, Jr, KIA 6/12/68 and Cpl Richard A. Hoffman, KIA 9/19/68 as being India Marines. They have been added to our Wall. We still need help on identifying which Thomas, listed below, belongs to us.
We have added a number of Marines to our roster. Please welcome the First Sergeant of India in 1966-67, Sergeant Major (Ret) Billy Chapman, the Weapons Plt Co , then XO 2nd Lt Gary Crowell and 2nd Lt. Sam Williams, 1st Plt Co. And from 1969, 2nd platoon and weapons, Daniel Milsop, first a rifleman then a Bazooka man.
Added five names to Our Wall. PFCs James Salisbury, Raymond McCintyre, Antonio Hernandez; LCpl Thomas Miller and Cpl Richard Skaggs; all KIA between 6/15/68 and 9/3/68. With thanks to Steve Stafford for the research. Additionally we have names we need your help with. Following are 3 pairs of names, one is definitely India, the other not. If you know which is correct, please let us know:
Gentry, Jimmie Ferrel, PFC 6/18/68 or Gentry, Oscar Jr., LCpl, 6/12/68;
Thomas, Gary Joseph, Cpl 5/18/68 or Thomas, Gregory Wayne, Cpl 5/21/68;
Hoffman, Terry Alan, Cpl 8/19/68 or Hoffmann, Richard, Alfonce Cpl 9/19/68;
Also, we need confirmation that PFC Myron Rudolph II, KIA 10/3/68 was with India.
Please welcome John McGaughey Jr and R.L. Martin Jr to the India roster and database. John was an Artillery scout sergeant off and on with India between July 1969 and July 1970. Bob Martin was his radio operator during that time. We've posted a brief bio from John which includes some details of Bob's service also.
Added Bill Dowling's biography on the roster page. Bill just found us, he was added to the roster yesterday. We've posted a poem he just wrote on our newly opened Poems page. In Bill's words "it expresses my feelings for the men that we lost and those who survived" and is dedicated to the Marines of India 3/5..
Please welcome William Dowling to the roster and database. Bill was with 3rd Platoon from 69-70 and was assigned as a machine gunner at first then eventually was an M-60 squad leader.
More good news: We've added a couple of guys to our H&S Database, 81s guys, friends of Curtis Eidson (We even had a picture of one that Curtis put up when we first started). Joe Anchondo and Jay Grigsby have been found. Joe, besides being with 81s also was in the bush with Lima as an FO. Similarly, Jay was an FO with India. 1967-68. With many thanks to Hans for finding them.
Added a reminiscence from Hans Haupt on Hastings, a tribute to corpsmen everywhere.
Added Steve Stafford's info and biography to the roster.
Fixed Steve Stafford's email address on the database. Added Hans Haupt's email address to the database.
Added LCpl Michael Langerio to Our Wall. KIA September 6, 1967. Thanks to T.J. Hanley for the information.
Added Tim Hanley to the roster (he's already in the database). Tim joined India as a replacement right after Hastings in '66 and his tour ran through early November of '67, including Operations Swift and Shelbyville. He knew Father Capodanno (MOH with Mike Company). Welcome Tim!
Added another outstanding story by Joe Holt, titled Sorry! Do you remember how hard it was to keep your socks dry?
I received the following letter from Tim Hanley, India 3/5, '66-67:
"I am trying to reach as many Marines as I can to tell them about a book that is
coming out about Father Vincent Capodanno. He was a chaplain with 3/5 and was KIA at
Operation Swift 1967. He received the Medal of Honor, Bronze Star and 3 Purple Hearts. The
proceeds of the book will go to the Father Capodannno Foundation in his memory and to
inspire young Marines and Navy Chaplains who serve them. It is quit a bio and I think that
a lot of Marines would be interested in it especially 3/5. Operation Swift was Sept. 67
with 1/5 and 3/5 against the 2nd NVA Division. Like a latter version of Operation
Hastings. I have a summary of the book that I would like to forward to everyone and will
have copies of the book as soon as it is published in Dec. Since you are compiling the
list of e-mails I would appreciate your help in contacting people. Please contact me if
you have any questions by email or phone (281)324-2812
Semper Fi
T. J. Hanley"
A review of the book is available by clicking on the following link: Capodanno Review. Also, there is a movement afoot, in the Catholic Church, to have Father Capondanno cannonized. The Father was with Mike 3/5 when killed on Operation Swift.
Also, added Steve Stafford (see next paragraph) to the Database...I have an email address but we're not sure it works.
Just to let you all know that we have a couple of success stories to pass on. One, Steve Stafford (who we've invited to our roster, just waiting to get the ok) saw Eugene Faughnan's name on the database and asked Curtis to get in touch with Eugene. I called Eugene tonight (he doesn't have a computer) and he was overjoyed to get Steve's number...had been looking for him for twenty years. This stuff works, people. Two, over on H&S, a couple of engineers, Robert Rollins and John Templeton found each other through the web site.
Warning: I may have to move this site at a moment's notice because the ISP I use at work to make the site(s) available on the internet will be going out of business shortly. If I don't find a suitable place in time to have a pointer available for visitors, you can always get to the new location by going to http://3rdbn5thmarines.net a pointer site to all 3/5 companies. Save it for future reference. Thanks.
Added three more email addresses to folks on the database. Gary Bolen (from Mike Company), Gunny Perry and T.J. Hanley.
Curtis Eidson, Dennis Tenety and I (Ed McCurry from H&S) had a mini reunion at my house yesterday. Though we were all from different years, the common bonds are strong, folks. Pictures will follow shortly. This after a whirlwind tour in four days by Curtis from his home in Northwest Georgia to visit Jerry Bain in West Virginia and Bob "Slick" Mowery in Pennslyvania. As I write this, Curtis and his lovely wife Brenda, fortified by Betty's (Ed's wife) cupcakes, are meandering their way slowly back home, taking the scenic route. Scanned a lot of Curtis' pictures and will be posting most of it not all over the next few days....be on the lookout for them.
Added a column on the database page for email addresses and filled in all the ones I know plus additions that were kindly forwarded to me in the last couple of days.
Added Joe Strausser to the Database, along with his email address. Joe is Paul Strausser's brother, who was killed on Hastings on July 24, 1966 while with Lima Company. Also, Joe is in regular contact with Jim Hailey who doesn't have a computer. Jim is Jerry Lee Hailey's twin brother, also killed on July 24, 1966 with India on Hastings. If you need to contact Jim (an Echo 2/4 vet who was only a mile away when Jerry was killed) please write Joe Strausser. Both Joe and Jim would like to hear from anyone who knew their brothers.
I added Robert Rollins to the H&S roster on Mike's page. Robert was an engineer with Bravo, 1st Engineers, attached to 3/5 from February '66 to March of '67. He's looking for anyone that might remember him. His email address is USMC1097@webtv.net
Added additional roster information for Bruce Baxter.
Added many more names to the database.
Added a database of names of India Company vets, and friends. These are published to further our goal of helping find each other. Addresses and phone numbers are not published, for privacy reasons. Should you wish to contact anyone on the list you need to let us know and we will contact them for you.
Added Joe's story from ITR in '65...Spit, Dipsh*t....a must read.
Also, looking to find out how much interest there is in having tshirts and/or sweatshirts or golf shirts made up with a 3/5 emblem embroidered on it. It can be done inexpensively. Let us know if you have any interest.
Added a picture from Joe Holt. This is the second one from Hastings, this with a corpsman being lowered from a chopper. Read Joe's description of the picture...a must.
Added a scan of a Newsweek article, August 8, 1966, again about Hastings. India figures prominently. Thanks again to Joe for the submission.
Added a link on the links page to a vietnam war history site. The particular page linked to is an article on Operation Hastings....it might make your blood boil. The site itself has other pages describing some operations, including the Que Sons campaign and Operation Swift.
This is a continuing call for stories and other material you might have for a book on the battalion that we're starting to write. We are currently working on all years 1966 through 1971. Please see our book request page for examples of material that we're soliciting. This is your chance to have your memories preserved for posterity, forever!
Added Pearl Kell's poem, written July 26, 1966, after reading the headline of a Chicago paper (included below the poem). This was part of the second newsletter for India, in 1996.
I've just transcribed the 3/5 After Action Report for Operation Swift, early September 1967. The entire battalion participated. If you wish a copy please email me at hebmc@aol.com. I also have 1/5's AARs for Swift, Union and Union II. If you want a copy of those let me know.
Rearranged the pictures because we have so many. All contributors with more than one have their own page. Added a short index on the picture page.
Added Vic Perez, "Doc" to the roster. Vic was a platoon corpsman with India for 2 and 1/2 months, joining just after Hastings. In December of 1966 Vic transferred to Kilo where he remained through Operation Union.
Added more roster information.
Added two honorary members to our roster, Matt and Steve Kolakowski, sons of Captain Ski. Welcome!
Added a story section, cuz we've got a story to add. The Becky, from Joe Holt....you will want to read this.
We're writing a book about 3/5, folks, and we need your contributions in order to make it the best possible tribute to the Marines of the battalion that we can. Please see the request page for the kind of material we're asking for.
Added more roster information. Also, on the Mike site, I've added a couple of excerpts of messages from the Compuserve Military Forum dealing with enemy perceptions of Marines that you might find interesting. On the bits and pieces page there.
Added more roster information.
On the H&S roster of Mike Company's page we've added Dick Sneltzer who was an engineer with 3/5 from October of '67 'til after the Tet offensive when the battalion moved north. He says that most of the time he was with 3/5 there were only 3 or 4 engineers to supply the battalion, so if anyone called "engineer up" it could have been him. He was known as Cpl. Rick back then.
Added 4 pictures that Dave Gurbal took at the Moving Wall ceremony. On the Tribute page.
Added a link to Medal of Honor citations. All 240 official Vietnam MOH citations on Neil Mishalov's fine web page. We gave him Lawrence Peters (from Mike Company) and Richard Pittman's picture/graphics that Vic made to post on his site...he's got a lot of pictures and remembrances there.
Added more roster information. Corrected 4 errors on the Wall page.
Added more roster information.
Please welcome Gregory Francesco to the roster. Greg was with 3rd platoon of India on Oki in '66 and transferred to B Company, 1st Recon Bn before India went to the Philippines. His team was attached to 3/5 for Deckhouse I and II, Nathan Hale and Hastings. Please see his bio on the roster page, as well as two pictures on the picture page, one of his recon team and one of the platoon on Oki. Again, Welcome brother!
Added more roster information.
Debbe Reynolds is in the process of placing the India emblem on the memorial page of every Marine on our Wall, located at A Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall. She's already done this for Mike and H&S, and has been requested by Robert Henry (Hank) of Lima, to do it for them. A big Bravo Zulu to Deb!
Added roster information on the roster page. Includes Squad, Platoon, MOS for some of our members. Also want to add Tour dates. If yours is missing please let us know. Thanks.
5th Marines earned a Presidential Unit Citation for Operations Union and Union II. It is our belief that it is the only PUC awarded to one unit for one combined operation in the entire Vietnam War.
Established a Silver Star Citation page in the Remembrance section. The first two were awarded to one person, Lt. Mike Carey, on Operations Hastings. We are actively searching for more to publish here. Your help, should you know of any that belong here, will be most appreciated.
Added Lt. Williams' August 7, 1966 letter to his wife to the second issue of the May 1996 newsletter. Also included the pictures of Hill 362 (on Operations Hastings) on that page.
1. Added Captain Perkins' picture to the picture page.
2. Added the two remaining Navy Cross citations to the Navy Cross page. (also fixed my spelling errors in the first two citations...with apologies).
1. Welcome to Stan Zaidinski, with India on Hastings in July 1966. On the roster page.
2. Added two of the four India Company Navy Cross citations, Corporal Caine on Operation Union and Lieutenant Campbell on Operation Mameluke Thrust. The next two will be added shortly (Sergeant Panion on Swift and Lieutenant Williams on Hastings).
1. Added Dennis Perkins' bio to the roster page. Pretty impressive.
2. Kilo Company has a web site starting up. All of 3/5 is now on the net. Outstanding!
1. Added Joe Holt's biography to the roster page.
2. Added the first article from the second India Company newsletter. The article is John Olsen's extensive remembrance of Operation Hastings. Much more to come next week from this newsletter. You'll find it at issue 2.
Welcome to Mike Carey, with India through 1966 and then went on to command H&S Company 3/5 through April of 1967. See the roster page for Mike's biography.
1. Welcome to Bill Maseman, with India in 1964-65. On the roster.
2. Added Curtis Eidson's biography to the roster page.
1. Welcome to Lt. Mark Rader, former 3rd Platoon Commander in early '68. On the roster and has submitted his biography.
2. Added four more Marines to Our Wall: 2nd Lt. William Ross; Lance Corporal Norman Ballard; PFCs Gary Painter and Robert Jackson.
Added Cpls James Castor, KIA 8/13/69, and Richard Speakman, KIA 6/29/69, to our Wall.
Added the first issue of the India Company newsletter, originally published on March 1, 1996, by John Olsen. It's not the original format but has all the articles and pictures of that publication.
I made a screensaver of the graphic Vic Vilionis made for us. If you use screensavers this is a pretty good one. Instructions and download information can be found at
Added Dave Gurbal's tribute to the fallen of India, lain at the Moving Wall last week. Please see the Tribute page.
Added 5 more names to the Wall, including 2 Navy Cross winners (so indicated); PFC Morris, Sgt. Valdez, Pvt. Leatherbury, Lt. Campbell (NC) and LCpl Norris (NC).
You'll notice the new Logo, specifically designed for India company by Vic Vilionis. Thank you, Vic!
Added three more names to the Wall. Captain Kolakowski, 2nd Lt. Corr and Lance Corporal Peterson.
Added our Wall of Honor. We need your help in finding all the names that belong on it. Right now most of the names appear to have fallen during Operation Hastings, we own Panel 9E. This is a start but everybody who belongs should be on it.
1. Added Bob Morris' bio to the roster page (click the roster button above to jump there).
2. Added a wonderful graphic designed by Victor Vilionis to Richard Pittman's Medal of Honor Citation. With many thanks to Victor who has made some gorgeous graphics for his fellow Marines. Added a link to his page, Semper Fidelis 7th Marines to the links page.
I'm currently working on converting the March 1996 India newsletter to html...look for it in the next couple of weeks.
Added Dave Gurbal's bio to the roster page.